Friday, September 30, 2011

Almost over!

I have been awake since 6 this morning and I feel like this was the longest day of my life. I can't wait for this week to finally be over. I have been studying day and night for the past two weeks for this stupid LSAT. I can not wait for it to be over and after saturday I will not have to think about it. The fact that I have been studying and also trying to keep up with school has been overwhelming. Once this test is done, then I can focus on school and finally be done this semester! I am excited. Once I graduate, I will really feel like I have accomplished something and can finally be happy that I am done (until law school anyway). One question asked of me the other day which caught me off guard was if I had a back up plan in case I end up choosing not to go to law school, Ive never actually thought about it. I should have a backup plan, shouldn't I??

I was reading the news for the first time in days and I find out that Bank Of America will be charging $5 to use their debt card! I was kind of irritated when I heard this. There definitely needs to be some charges in how the banks are managed!

Words I learned this week:
Gerund- The usage of a verb as a noun.
Cajole- To urge or pursue 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

I miss my childhood....

I was talking to an old friend a few days ago, one that I have not talked to since high school. We talked for what seemed like a long time about how life has changed since high school, but mostly about our memories in high school. After we got off the phone, I went into my closet and managed to find my old high school year books. As I went through them year by year, I could not help but just reminisce on my memories of not only high school, but my childhood as well. I started to remember my old friends from middle school and all the embarrassing moments, which I look back and realize that there were a lot of. I keep thinking to myself how much I miss my childhood, where things were a lot easier and simpler. I feel like my life has gotten so complicated that sometimes I don't even know how it got to this point.

On a political note, my favorite news article of the week is definitely the one about the internal audit which was done on the Justice Department and found that they spent $121 million on department conferences in 2008 and 2009. As you read the report and the article, it mentions that the average cost of a muffin during these conferences was $16 and that an 8 ounce cup of coffee came out to $8.24. I mean seriously? $16 for a muffin? I could not help but laugh at this because it gets harder and harder to take politicians seriously after you read about things like this. I just hope congress gets there act together soon or else this country will have more serious problems in the years to come.

News article:

New Words this week:
Actus Reus- Latin for "Guilty Act" or an act in violation of the law.
Abscond- To hide or conceal.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Another week down...

For some reason, this week has been harder on me then previous weeks. My school course load is about the same and I am still studying for my LSAT's the same amount, but for some reason it has been harder for me. I sometimes feel so drained after a long day of school or after getting home from my internship, that I just hope it will all be worth it in the end. I sometimes wish there was a way to look into the future and just see myself in 10 years to see what happens. Moreover, the fact that my computer has been acting up all week has not made anything easier for me.

On a political note, I was reading an article on CNN about more disagreements between Democrats and Republicians (surprise surprise) and I just thought to myself, what's going to happen in fifty years to our government? Nothing will get done because people will be too busy going after each other rather then trying to solve issues. I mean I understand different opinions and believing different things are better for the country, but when everyone is too hardheaded to compromise and negotiate a solution, its the people of the country who lose in the end. It just makes me worried for future generations.

Words I learned this week:
Repose (V)- To rest or put into a comfortable position.
Judicious (Adj)- Having sound judgment; wise

Friday, September 9, 2011

My east coast trip!

This weekend, I came with my brother back to Pennsylvania to visit for a few days. He came back for a high school reunion and I decided to tag along for the weekend because I haven't been back in a few years. Well before we got here, many of our friends told us that there was a lot of rain. Well we didn't think it would be this much. Once we landed in Washington D.C., we realized that this was going to be an interesting weekend. We rented a car and while driving to Pennsylvania, we ran into a few flooded roads and had to reroute a few times.

Well we finally got to Pennsylvania and it definitely wasn't any better. The rain continued all through the night and into the morning. Finally this morning it stopped for a little but who knows when it will start back up again. While driving through York (where I am originally from), it was weird to see a lot of places that I haven't seen in many years still there. It was a nice trip down memory lane. I am excited to see some friends who still live around the area that I haven't seen in years. I am definitely glad I decided to tag along with my brother this weekend. However, the weather does remind me why I am glad to be living in California.

New Vocabulary words:
Purport- The meaning or nature of something
Limn- To describe something in words or painting