Wednesday, November 9, 2011

And once again, another blog entry....

"Having sex is like playing bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand!"

I think as the end of the semester is getting closer, I'm tending to become more lazy and unfocused. For example, as I was doing a paper earlier today, I decided to take a break and grab coffee with my friend. While sitting there talking with my friend and just chatting away, I decided to continue my break and grab food with another friend afterwards. While grabbing food, we decided to start drinking a little, which I know wasn't the best decision but oh well. Finally after a few drinks, I came home and decided to continue with my homework. I looked at the clock and realized my little "coffee break" lasted almost 4 hours! As guilty as I felt procrastinating my homework, I just needed a break away from my books in order to keep my sanity. On a brighter note however, I got my cap and gown yesterday. I felt a bit weird cause it really seems like not too long ago I was just starting college and now knowing that it will be over soon just makes me wonder where the time has gone. I guess all good things must come to an end though.

Words I learned this week:
Feral (adj)- Wild, savage
Inept (adj)- not capable, no skill

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